Routes in Google Maps - Scripts

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Routes in Google Maps - Scripts
Miễn phí
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Ảnh chụp màn hình
The smart script "Routes in Google Maps" allows you to create a route for two addresses in Google Maps in Bitrix24 deals. Set tasks for employees with a built route.

There are the following options:
- Route in google maps [gm]
- Message with the route [gm]
- Task with a route [gm]

You can watch the video to learn more

Phiên bản 1
The smart script "Routes in Google Maps" allows you to create a route for two addresses in Google Maps in Bitrix24 deals. Set tasks for employees with a built route.

In case of any issues and recommendations, please contact us via e-mail: or call us: +48 22 307 95 94
1) Install the app from the Applications / MARKET / Smart scripts section.
2) After installation, you need to display the address fields in Bitrix24 deal.
The two fields "⏩ starting address" and "⏩ final address" have already been created, they only need to be displayed